Why Personal Injury Attorneys in Lake City, FL Generally Offer Free Consultations and Accept Contingency Fees

by | Apr 15, 2019 | Personal Injury Lawyer

Many lawyers charge fees for consultations as well as retainer and hourly fees. Personal injury attorneys in Lake City, FL and elsewhere generally do not. Their initial consultations are usually offered free of charge, and their legal fees are paid from the client’s settlement when the case ends. This process is known as a contingency agreement because payment is contingent on the results the lawyer achieves for the client.

The Main Reason

The reason personal injury attorneys in Lake City, FL have these policies is because their clients often are facing impending financial struggles or are already dealing with money troubles due to the accident. Their health insurance may have covered medical expenses, but that doesn’t make up for lost wages while they cannot work. It does not pay for a totaled car or for taxi service to physical therapy appointments.

In addition, healthcare coverage commonly does not pay for everything. There may be a deductible of $1,000 or $2,000, as well as a 20 percent co-pay. These costs are a distinct hardship for many men and women.

Typical Financial Issues

Sometimes people who were injured in an accident have been trying to negotiate with an insurance company for months to no avail. By the time they contact an attorney such as Duane E. Thomas, they truly could not afford to pay a fee for a consultation. They may be teetering toward eviction and running up credit cards to pay utility bills and other expenses. They may still have to make car payments on a vehicle that was damaged beyond repair in an accident caused by another driver.

During the Consultation

The attorney begins providing some legal advice and guidance during that consultation, even if the client decides not to hire this legal professional. The person often wants to know if the insurance company is making a reasonable offer or not. Although some people might think this could be confirmed rather easily by doing some online research, the matter tends to be more complex. A lawyer with experience and knowledge of similar cases can make a more informed judgment call. Visit Northfloridaautoaccidentlawyer.com today for more information.

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