How Do Social Security Disability Attorneys Compute Their Fees?

by | Jun 5, 2017 | Lawyer

The fee structure for Social Security disability attorneys is unlike those used by other attorneys. In many cases, perhaps you are planning your estate or transferring property, your attorney bases his or her fee on time and out of pocket expenses; their fees are not subject to any government mandated rules. This is not the case when you hire Social Security disability attorneys in Kansas City.

Social Security disability attorneys work on contingency, they only get paid when they win your case and the fee they can charge is set by federal law.

How does it work?

Once an attorney has agreed to represent your disability case, you and the attorney will enter into an agreement, the agreement gives the SSA, Social Security Administration, the right to pay the attorneys fee direct from your past due benefits in the event the case is successful. The agreement that you enter into with the attorney is subject to SSA review. All agreements are on a contingency fee basis; if you win the attorney gets paid, conversely, if you lose the attorney does not get paid.

What is the legal fee?

The fee is established by federal law; the fee is capped at 25 percent of the back pay you are awarded up to a maximum of $6,000. As the attorney is obliged to work on contingency, there are no “up front” monies that you have to be concerned about. Regardless of whether the case is successful or not, you will be liable to reimburse the attorney for any out of pocket expenses that he or she paid on your behalf.

What re past due benefits or back pay?

Upon approval of your claim the SSA will determine the amount of back pay owing. The calculation begins on the date the Administration agreed that your disability began and ends on the date of your approval for benefits. There is a 12 month limit in place.

If, for example, the SSA determined that your back pay equated to $10,000, with a cap of 25 percent, your Social Security attorneys in Kansas City will be paid $2,500, the balance is yours.

It is well worth hiring Social Security disability lawyers in Kansas City, your chances of success are considerably higher and the costs are controlled in advance. You are invited to contact the Grundy Disability Group, LLC to discuss your situation.

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